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Most weeds, pest and  lawn diseases 

A lawn is an area of soil-covered land planted with grasses, which are maintained at a short height with a lawnmower and used for aesthetic and recreational purposes. Common characteristics of a lawn are that it is composed only of grass species, it is subject to weed and pest control, it is subject to practices aimed at maintaining its green color. Lawns are used around houses, apartments, commercial buildings and offices. 

Weeds & Grass weeds

Weeds and grass weeds are plants growing where they are not wanted. Effective weed management takes a season-long, integrated approach. They often appear when turf is already weak and thin. First line of defense in controlling weeds is to promote a healthy lawn.

Lawn Diseases

Diseases are the most difficult turf pest problems to diagnose and manage. Often, the disease-causing organism is not visible, and the symptoms that are clearly visible could be caused by several different diseases or disorders.  

Lawn Pests

Pests in lawn present a management challenge. Many insects damage turf and  is really important to be able to identify them to be able to provide the right treatment. Vertebrate pests present a challenge, pesticides cannot be used to control except voles. so the prevention is mostly keeping them away from turf and plants.

Few weeds, lawn disease and lawn pest identification

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